Benedict Vandaele
Sharing enthusiasm
Jan Frans Schultinks kunstpedagogie
This article is part of the first publication of De Studio. It's is a mobile, temporary and multidisciplinary platform for research and production. Starting from a precisely defined research topic, a group of master students has been put together. The composition of the research group is heterogeneous, both in terms of training and specific skills. The Studio, under direction of Koen Brams, aims to carry out in-depth research that results in productions such as presentations, symposia, publications, exhibitions. The focus is on the history of the Vereniging voor het Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst (Association of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ghent) (1957-1960). As a researcher at De Studio, I’m studying the educational section of the V.M.H.K., with Karel Geirlandt as a pioneer. His contact with the Dutch pedagogue Jan Frans Schultink was of great importance. Geirlandt was strongly influenced by Schultink’s socratic method. The article focuses on the relationship of both figures. The first issue of Documenten&Argumenten is available in the museum shop of the S.M.AK.