Benedict Vandaele
Sharing enthusiasm
Over Grenzen
The third edition of Kunstenfestival Aardenbrug (Aardenburg Arts Festival), a biennale for contemporary visual art, took place from 16 July till 4 September 2022. Together with 33 artists we explored the diverse meanings of the concept border. With the theme 'Over grenzen' (Beyond borders), KFA22 delved into geographical, social and artistic dimensions.
The biennale presented work by emerging and established artists on 21 locations. The art walk did not only take place in Aardenburg (Netherlands), there was also a sattelite in the border village Middelburg (Belgium). The art trail took the visitor to various indoor and outdoor locations such as churches, abandoned houses and private gardens.
The participating artists of Kunstenfestival Aardenburg 2022 have different backgrounds and are in different phases of their artistic career. The confirmed artists live and work mainly in Belgium and the Netherlands, and are active in the international art circuit. In addition, recent alumni of the Jan van Eyck Academy (Maastricht) and the Higher Institute of Fine Arts (Ghent) have been invited. Finally, artists nominated by CBK Zeeland also participated.
In addition to educational workshops and guided tours, 'Over grenzen' organized various activities. An extensive program of poetry, music and literature was offered during the various exhibition weeks.
Philip Aguirre y Otegui, Johnny Beerens, Semâ Bekirović and Jan-Pieter Karper, Dries Boutsen, Kent Chan, Nelleke Cloosterman, Anton Cotteleer, Tamara Dees, Folkert De Jong, Elise Eeraerts, Nick Ervinck, Maen Florin, Gommaar Gilliams, Che-Yu Hsu, Nicholas William Johnson, Manjot Kaur, Maartje Korstanje, Frank Leenhouts, Domenico Mangano & Marieke Van Rooy, Dave Meijer, Nadia Naveau, Xavier Noiret-Thomé, Navid Nuur, Maria Roosen, Jorieke Rottier, Schellekens & Peleman and Margriet van Breevoort, Schscht, Boram Soh, Johan Tahon, Sven ’t Jolle, Ingrid van de Linde, Koen van den Broek and Ricardo van Eyk
Benedict Vandaele
Sofie Van de Velde
Jason Poirier dit Caulier
Stichting Aardenburg Kunstenfestival
Over grenzen
16 July - 4 September 2022
21 venues spread over Aardenburg and Middelburg
The Dutch exhibition booklet is conceived as a useful guide with plans, the thematic essay and texts about the artists and their exhibited artworks.
Graphic design by Jedidja Samyn
Texts by Benedict Vandaele
Editing by Oscar van Gelderen
The series of talks were organized by Oscar van Gelderen:
On 19 July a public conversation between author Arnon Grunberg and artist Koen van den Broek, moderated by Jelle van Riet, was organized in Aardenbrug's Sint-Baafschurch. Unfortunately Grunberg had to apologize for this meeting due to fever.
On 13 August, a conversation between author Jeroen Olyslaegers and artist Johan Tahon, moderated by Tamara Beheydt, fellowed in the Sint-Petrus and Sint-Pauluschurch in Middelburg.
Also on 13 August, an artisttalk took place between Delphine van Saksen-Coburg and Manuela Klerkx. For this event a 3-week solo exhibition was composed by the board of Kunstenfestival Aardenburg.
MEDIA (selection)
Installation Over grenzen, Fresh Frame, 9 July 2022
Aardenburg Arts Festival 2022, Gallery viewer, 11 July 2022
Grensoverschrijdende kunst op Kunstenfestival Aardenbrug, De zomer van Klara, 13 July 2022
Kunstenfestival Aardenburg: kunst die grenzen verlegt, The Art Couch, 16 July 2022
Kunstenfestival Aardenburg: waar kunst rendeert in kerken en vervallen huizen, De Tijd, 18 July 2022
Kunstenfestival 'Over grenzen' in Aardenburg, AVS, 22 July 2022
Aardenburg verlegt zijn grenzen, De Standaard, 23 July 2022
Kunstenfestival brengt leven in slaperige Aardenburg, De Telegraaf, 25 July 2022
Prinses Delphine even in Aardenburg, Zeeuwsch Vlaams Advertentieblad, 17 August 2022.